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Pleasant Password Import

PassMan makes you able to import structures from Pleasant Password by the given URL (and folder path).

Select the Secret import option at the local user menu:


You can decide whether to place the file in the Imported folder or in any other structure of your choice:


After choosing the destination, we need to select the proper file type: Pleasant Password Import    


Enter the Pleasant Password URL:

 i.e..: https://65749203.pleasantpassworddemo.com/WebClient/Main# 

Make sure that the part marked in grey is NOT included!


Enter the Username/Password pair below required to access the site.


If you want to load only a specific structure, right-click on the folder in Pleasant Password, then: Copy Link to Folder


The URL with folder path will appear:


Copy that long URL into PassMan (already on clipboard) and paste to this field: 'Root ID (optional):'

Click: Import.