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Performance Tips

System requirements 

PassMan is a very powerful appliance. Thanks to our great developer team it does not require huge amount of hardware resources.

Our test environment contained 2 CPU-s 4GB of RAM and 30GB of hard disk space (although about 15% of it has been used). We consider this to be the normal system configuration. There is no upper limit for resources. But we would recommend avoiding to run PassMan on less resources than 1 CPU, 2GB RAM and 8GB HDD (SSD).

Import restrictions

It should not be a problem to import 2000-3000 accounts from a single target. But if we would like to import hundreds of different targets at the same time than the browser might run on a Time-out, meaning that the browser has not got a response for the import request from the server.

In case of Unix like targets, the import function automatically scans for the SSH-RSA or other keys it can use. If there is a problem (typo, wrong target name or type) or just too many targets to work with, then the browser will consider it as no response from the server: although it still runs, still works on importing our data. Knowing this information try to import not more than 50 targets at the same time. This number can vary depending on the hardware you are using and the accounts under each target. 

Using too much data, too many accounts

In rare cases  - as with the import - your browser might time-out if you try to load 3000-5000 accounts at the same time.

We suggest to organise your data into folders, groups and for the smooth work of PassMan do not try to manipulate too much data at the same time.