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System settings

You can change base PassMan parameters here:

    1. Network
    2. User management - You can add, modify,delete and change rights for Padmin users
    3. License - change/upload of pPassman license
    4. Auto jobs
    5. Settings for Authentication - Külső providerek (AD, Azure AD, SAML2, JIRA) esetén itt kell beállítani működéshez szükséges paramétereket
    6. PassMan service - You can set of worker counts
    7. E-Mail settings
    8. Time and NTP server - beállítás  
    9. Syslog server - Parameters of external logger application
    10. Zabbix - 
    11. Swap - Swap size
    12. Max. File upload size - Maximum size of uploaded file 
    13. VPN Connection - Settings of VPN Connection
    14. Session Management
    15. Volume size expanding - You cen expand the size of Passman base or Session management volume