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What to expect from PassMan?

In PassMan you can store credentials (passwords, SSH keys, PIN codes) of Targets already added to the systems' database using a well-structured and well-detailed identity management solution.

In case we need a stored credential (password) we only have to ask the system for it (CheckOut).

The system will only provide the credential to us if we have the right to view that for the given Account.

PassMan basically does 3 things:

1/ Keeps a record of:

  • Hosts (Targets)
  • User/Password datasets for Hosts and SSH keys for Linux/Unix systems (Credentials)
  • Target structure (Folders)

2/ Reveals

  • Username/password datasets to authorized users
  • Provides an opportunity for exclusive access (exclusive CheckOut)

3/ Verifies

  • Whether the stored usernames/passwords are correct (if it's possible to log in to targets).

4/ Updates

  • Passwords that are about to expire