See quick Reports
Report tab contains all kind of detailed informaiton regarded to credentials (passwords). We tried to maked the different report labels to be as descriptive as possible can. For this reasen we formulated them as questions. Let's take a look at them one-by-one and see what kind of informations is showed to the user:
- What passwords have failed Check Credential (Heartbeat)?
The list will display, if there is any problem with any target or account. If a check job did not run successfuly there might be multiple problem with the account it was run against. The target might not be available or the credential not correct. One of the best reports to determin the health status of the system. - What passwords have failed Reset?
this list shows the targets and account that refused to successfully run a reset job. - What passwords are currently checked out exclusively?
lists all accounts (and the targets containing the accounts) that are checked out exclusivly at the moment of requesting the report. It also shows when the exclusivity will expire on the account. - What accounts have expired credentials?
list of accounts that are considered expired based on the Policy set for that accout. - Which passwords are expiring soon?
lists all accounts that will have credentials expiring in the next five days. - Which passwords have recently been reset?
lists all accounts that had credentials reset in the last 24 hours. - Which passwords have not been used lately?
list of accounts that have not been checked out in the last seven days. This list also containse all acounts that never have been checked out. - Which passwords heve never been used?
all acounts that never been checked out. This whole list is present in the previouse report since if it never been checked out, than it haven't been checked out in the last seven days as well (in case the account is at least 8 days old). - Which accounts are out-of-sync?
this list contains accounts with status of 'NotInSync'. The accounts will be listed with target information they belongs to.
This information can also be found on the Deshboard tab, which is not a report list and it is possible to run operations on them.
It is important to know that the reports visible for the user depend where the system is standing at the moment, regarding to the hierarchical tree structure.
If the user selects the Vault, then the reports will be created based on the accounts under the Vault (meening all acounts).
In case user selects a folder (or subfolder), these reports will run only on the accounts found under that specific folder / subfolder.